
I'm xianfei (衔飞)

Hi there, I’m xianfei (衔飞) 👋

The only limit is your imagination.

  • 🔭 I’m an undergraduate student of software engineering from China now. 就读于北京信息科技大学&北京邮电大学双培计划,现在大四。
  • 🏡 I’m living in Beijing and looking for a job in Beijing.
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning Computer Graphics & Machine Learning & Web Technologies.
  • 😍 I like eating delicious foods 🍔, traveling 🏝, photography 📸, coding 🧑‍💻 and sleeping 🛌.
  • 😡 I hate working overtime.
  • 💬 I like chating. Be free to ask me about anything here.

Skills and Interested

  • Programming Languages: C++/JavaScript/C/Java/Python

  • Other Languages: HTML/CSS/MarkDown/JSON/XML

  • Web Front-end Frameworks: Vue.js/Electron.js

  • Web Back-end Frameworks & Database: Express.js(Node.js)/MongoDB

  • Tools: Linux Shell/SSH/Git/VSCode/CMake/WireShark and etc.

  • Other: Arduino/Rasberry Pi

What’s more

最后更新于 Oct 09, 2020 00:00 UTC